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Klawer Wynkelders

Klawer Wynkelders is geleë langs die N7 en die perfekte plek vir reisigers om ‘n blaas kaans te vat. Hetsy jy op vakansie, besigheid of op ‘n blomme toer deur Namaqualand reis, kan jy ‘n koue glasie wyn by die kelder kom geniet.

Daar is ‘n paar baie unieke wyne

Stem vir Klawer Wynkelder en staan 'n kans om R25 000 te wen

Staan 'n kans om R25 000 te wen as jy vir Klawer as ontbytSAKE se Onderneming van die Jaar 2024 stem!

Wie wil nie R25 000 wen nie?

Al wat jy moet doen om 'n kans te staan om Klawer Wynkelder se kompetisie te wen is:

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Klawer Wine Cellars Pinotage Rosé 2019

Neill Gellatly, one of our winemakers, assisted in the making process of our Pinotage Rosé.

Each year we receive top quality grapes from the the farm, Arbeidseind, near Graafwater. All 4 wines in the Villa Esposto range is made with bush vine vineyards, and the yield per hectare is

We Drink Klawer

Each year we celebrate one of the most versatile cultivars of all time, Chenin Blanc.

Not only does the cellar team like to work & handle this specific grape, but they love drinking it as well. Klawer cellar offers two different styles of Chenin, each one with different tasting not

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 17h00
Saturday & Public Holidays: 09h00 - 13h00
Sunday & Religious Holidays: Closed

24 Dec: 08h00 - 12h00
31 Dec: 08h00- 12h00

Closed 25 -26 Dec & 1 Jan
Tel: +27 27 216 1530     Fax: +27 27 216 1561     Email: ontvangs@klawerwyn.co.za
Birdfield Farm, N7 P.O. Box 8 , Klawer, 8145, South Africa
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AWARE - Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Education Not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Enjoy Responsibly.